Empower the mind

meditation, change from within

starts from within

Découvrez votre vrai moi.
Conscient de vos pensées.
Accepter une réalité.
Développer des habitudes réussies.
Accomplir le but de la vie.
Nous pouvons le rendre possible pour vous dans les 6 semaines !
World Peace Initiative Foundation (WPI) creates a unique tool of self-development programs with professional guidance to let you start your journey of happiness, peace, and joy. Trouver l'équilibre, l'harmonie et la liberté n'est pas loin d'être atteint. Nous sommes des maîtres cuisiniers pour l'esprit qui vous amèneront délicatement à révéler le secret de la vie à travers la pratique de la méditation, de la pleine conscience et du développement d'habitudes pour vous transformer afin de devenir une meilleure version de vous-même.
Parcourez nos programmes phares - Peace Revolution Programmes d'apprentissage en ligne - et d'autres programmes enrichissants en ligne et hors ligne - Cours et ateliers, retraites de méditation et événements.

Know About Us

Who we are

We are a young generation team who dream to change the world by changing ourselves from within for a long-lasting peace and happiness.

What we do

We dedicate ourselves to training and transforming people to find purpose in life and to fulfill all facets of life using the ancient wisdom of the East and the latest technology of the West.

Notre portée

Quelques faits intéressants sur WPI


Membres en ligne


Volontaires mondiales


Activités mondiales


Entraîneurs de méditation

How To Be Part Of The Change?

From Personal Development to Peace Building

WPI never stops developing our current programs as well as initiating new programs throughout the year. Many people who are committed to walk on the path have become a part of our team , professional coaches and trainers , and continue giving back to society and the world.

Today we have approximately 1,000 international volunteers in 6 continents who contribute significantly through their clubs to create local events together with local partners and sponsors to bring about sustainable changes.

With our strong passion and determination toward personal development and peace building, we are delighted to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organizations, private or public sectors, to co-create and customize our program to serve the needs of communities for a brighter future.

Let's connect !

Start our <br> Online Self-Development Program

Start our
Online Self-Development Program

Start our <br> Online Self-Development Program

Self-Development program is a life-changing experience for those who believe that a BETTER ME is possible and would like to make a change! No matter what you’re facing now. Give yourself a chance to explore something that will awaken and enlighten you.

Book a <br> Workshop

Book a

Book a <br> Workshop


Start a <br> Club

Start a

Start a <br> Club

Are you a peace activist living in Africa? Would you like to learn more about peacebuilding and community service through peace clubs? Join us to become active changemakers in your cities and countries.

Become a <br> Trainer

Become a

Become a <br> Trainer

Our training program combines online, live, and onsite training to produce exceptional trainers. With a focus on lifelong learning, our program is designed to be engaging and meaningful, keeping you fully attentive throughout.

Explore other ways to be part

What People Think About Us?

I have learned from the on-line program much more than I ever thought I could in such a short time. I am a much calmer person, much less stressed and have physical benefits from it. I used to have a lot of stomach aches; I was always clenching my jaws from being stressed and since I started meditating that is all gone. I also found that I am a nicer person to my friends and I am able to focus better on my work.

Emilia Frost


I think more than meditation you become more sensitive and you really act differently. So, the way you think is different. The question for me was like " Yes, I need to change this, I am doing this wrong, maybe I can change this, how can I, etc

Barbara Favetto


I was surprised at the experience and how it changed me with all the encouragement to work on myself. I saw that by working on myself I naturally wanted to be a positive example and wanted to see the positive values that we were working on in ourselves. I wanted to see that naturally being worked on and a way to achieve it in my immediate surroundings through meditation.

Max Raphael

United States

One thing which really helped, was getting rid of some habits that were not good. Like not talking in an endearing way. So it really helped me. It helped me to explore myself, know more and explore the changes within myself. It has given me some peace that I've never experienced anywhere, just getting in touch with myself.

Mediatrix Shikoli


You start feeling a lot different and you start behaving differently towards other people. It’s very interesting because it’s mixing very ancient wisdom and new technology and helping more people all around the world get connected to the inner peace

Alexander Suárez Parra


"I really like this self-development program, and especially the daily entries. This is the way to discover yourself, to evaluate yourself, to understand yourself better, and what is important and what is not so important like to have a good relationship with your family, with your friends, and to see goodness in others."

Anastasiya Lashuk


"The questions in the program help me to think about myself, and how do I really behave. It is so easy for people to say “I think that I’m good”. But when I asked myself I started to analyze myself, I become more tolerant."

Kardelen Yaman


"I learned the importance of being mindful about my speech, about my behavior, about my activities. It brings good results to be mindful, you are more conscious about what you do and then you have good results, good behavior, you give and you receive."

Imigul Cengiz


Thank you for this wonderful meditation. I absolutely lost the sense of time! I enjoyed the vibration of the mantra that helped me to still my mind and fill a bit of peace after a hard day of work. I’m so happy! I shared my meditation with my friend, and we have huge smiles afterwards.

Justyna Szczepaniak


Meditation helped me reflect about what I was doing in my life and who I was with and the kind of relationships I had, my actions, my speech, everything. It made me see the importance of just being in the moment and not constantly thinking about the future or about the past.

Karolina Szulkowska

United States